Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We are monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic closely and are listening to the questions and concerns we receive from our patients.

We will continue to uphold our strict hygiene practices that we adhere to on a daily basis, and have implemented additional precautionary measures:

  • Limiting the numbers of people in our Practice
  • Disinfecting all surfaces (beds, door handles etc) between patients
  • Thoroughly disinfecting all benches and common areas regularly throughout the day
  • When you arrive at the Practice you will be able to sanitise your hands
  • We’ve removed all magazines from our waiting room and have provided seating outside
  •  Some chairs have been removed from the waiting room, to assist with social distancing
  •  Chairs are available to wait outside if you prefer
  • Staff will avoid hand shaking and any other close contact which is not necessary

Telehealth for Physiotherapy and some Podiatry Patients 

If you are unable to attend in person, but are seeking an assessment  or review of exercises, we are exploring options to ‘video-conference’ consultations for patients who prefer to distance themselves from others. This format has been shown to be effective, while it limits the ability for ‘hands-on’ treatment, we can still:

  • Gain a comprehensive assessment about the history of your problem and review the progress of symptoms and exercises
  • Direct and watch you perform movements we need to adequately perform a physical assessment
  • Provide effective advice  and demonstration regarding specific exercises and other self-management strategies.
  • Follow up by sending you online video or email written exercise programmes via our Physitrack exercise software, which also allows you to stay in touch with us about your progress and any queries or feedback.

Most importantly we want to keep our local community safe – if our team members feel unwell, tjhey have been asked to remain at home.

We encourage that if you have any symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, and/or have travelled or ben in contact with someone who has travelled in the last 14 days, to call us to discuss rescheduling your appointment with us for another time.

We are committed to keeping you safe and continue to operate. Please so not hesitate to call the Practice on 4639 3446, and speak with our understanding staff if you have any questions or would like to reshedule your appointment.

We will continue to offer our services from two convenient locations – Lindsay St and the 7Springs Medical Centre, and our staff can see you at either premises. We offer dedicated off-street parking, including full disabled access.


Our new location